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- Address Labels by Design 3694 items
- Art & Graphic 242 items
- Animals & Wildlife 784 items
- By Artist 698 items
- Christmas Address Labels 872 items
- Faith, Inspiration & Love 158 items
- Friends & Family 198 items
- Floral & Gardening 772 items
- Holidays 342 items
- Occasions 200 items
- Baby 11 items
- Birthday 91 items
- Graduation 17 items
- School and Teacher 12 items
- Wedding and Anniversary 25 items
- Year Round 69 items
- Monogram, Initials & Symbols 104 items
- Nature & Scenic 476 items
- Professions 99 items
- Special Interest 417 items
- Address Labels by Type 3840 items
- Photo Address Labels 36 items
- Address Stamps 38 items

Shop Year Round Labels
Celebrate Every Season!
Dress up your correspondence with special occasion address labels!
Make receiving cards or gifts special with the addition of unique birthday, wedding or graduation address labels. Our year-round holiday label sets make it easy to celebrate any season or holiday. Don't forget we also have festive birthday labels with balloons and adorable baby address labels to announce a new baby in style! Whether it's labels for holiday mailings, invitations or announcements, add your personalized touch with our special occasion address labels.